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时间:2023-06-02 来源:互联网公开数据整理或转载



1. 继续进行:在这个意义上,“continue”常常与“keep on”或“go on”等动词搭配使用,表示某个动作或状态的持续进行。例如:

- I will continue studying English until I can speak it fluently.(我会继续学习英语,直到我能够流利地说出来。)

- She continued to work hard even though she was tired.(尽管累了,她还是继续努力工作。)

2. 继承:在这个意义上,“continue”表示继承某个人或组织的遗产、权利、责任等。例如:

- The new CEO will continue the company's policy of innovation and expansion.(新的CEO将继续公司的创新和扩张政策。)

- The son continued his father's business after his death.(儿子在父亲去世后继承了他的生意。)

3. 续集:在这个意义上,“continue”表示续集、续篇等。例如:

- The movie was so popular that the director decided to continue the story in a sequel.(这部电影非常受欢迎,导演决定拍摄续集。)

- The novel has been continued in a series of books.(这本小说已经在一系列书中续写。)


1. 继续进行的状态:在这个意义上,“continue”表示一种继续进行的状态或过程。例如:

- The rain continued for three days without stopping.(雨连续下了三天,没有停过。)

- The meeting was a continuation of the discussions we had last week.(这次会议是上周讨论的延续。)

2. 继续进行的行动:在这个意义上,“continue”表示一种继续进行的行动或活动。例如:

- The teacher asked the students to work on their projects and to continue their research.(老师要求学生继续进行他们的项目和研究。)

- The company announced that it would continue to invest in new technologies.(公司宣布将继续投资于新技术。)


1. 连续的、不间断的:在这个意义上,“continue”表示一种连续的、不间断的状态或行动。例如:

- He has been working on this project for a month without a break. He is a real continue worker.(他已经连续一个月没有休息地在这个项目上工作了,他是一个真正不间断工作的人。)

- The band played for three hours without stopping. Their performance was truly continue.(这支乐队连续演奏了三个小时,他们的表演真的很连贯。)



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